Thursday, March 3, 2011

Newspaper Issue

Today, Club Penguin released the NEW newspaper the serious topic for this week is "Get ready the shop with your puffle" as we all know that the Pet Shop construction has began and there talking in the newspaper for this week that get ready to shop! So that means there will be a NEW catalog for Pet Shop coming up! I can't wait.

I heard in the Newspaper that there is a NEW puffle game coming up! I can't just wait can you? I can't wait for the amazing events will happen in the puffle game.

Finally, there are the events that are going to come and place in Club Penguin enjoy the rockin' events!

Really puffle games, puffle shopping, puffle construction, and much more I can't wait for the puffle stuff that are coming up comment and tell all you toughts ENJOY when the puffle games, puffle shopping, puffle construction, and much more will come out!

~Renfrew100 Main Owner

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