Thursday, March 24, 2011

April Fools 2011 Party/Pins/Login Screen/Stamps/Scavenger Hunt Cheats/

Finally, everyone was waiting for the April Fools 2011 party is here and all the pins and NEW Login Screen also the NEW stamps and the Scavenger Hunt Cheats for the April Fools PARTY!

First, Login to Club Penguin you'll notice the NEW login screen of April Fools!

There is a free item up for grabs for both members and non-members. Head over to the Dock and you will be asked to throw snowballs to recieve an item.

Once the picture has been painted you may pick up your item

Now you too may float!

The NEW Pins:

White Puffle Pin:

Yellow Puffle Pin:


Club Penguin released the food fight stamp. We told you about his previously on Club Penguin Cheats.

To earn this stamp..
1. Go to the Box Dimension
2. Go to the Ice Cream dimension
3. Throw a snow ball.

Now you have the Food Fight Stamp!

Scavenger Hunt Cheats:

Click on the box button to keep track of you're items.

Here's how to find all the Scavenger Hunt items:

*All the items below will be found in the Box Dimension room!*

Go to the Snow Forts to enter the Box Dimension room.

To find the first item:

Step 1. Go to the Box Dimension room.
Step 2. Click on the item located in the center of the room.

To find the second item:

Step 1. From the Box Dimension, enter the Desert Dimension.
Step 2. You will find the second item blended like a mountain, click it.

To find the third item:

Step 1. From the Box Dimension, enter the Doodle Dimension.
Step 2. Click on the pencil, then click on the third item.

~Renfrew100 Main Owner


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